Monday, November 27, 2017

The best 2 years of my life, and the best 2 years FOR my life!

October 30, 2017

Well, I would like to say exactly what I am feeling right now, or the things that are going through my head but there just aren´t words to describe it. Two years ago I left everything that I knew, my family, my friends, my things, even the language that I spoke and anything else that you can think of. At that time I was feeling the same as I am now. I wasn´t sure what would be coming, but I went forward with faith in Christ. Faith that He would take care of me, and take care of all the things that I was leaving behind. And faith that He could maybe use me as an instrument in Chile to do some good. Well He hasn´t let me down, not even once. If anything, I have seen the people that I love in my life grow and change exponentially. My sisters for example are completely different. I have been watching them through the weekly emails that I have gotten from them these last 2 years. Along with other milestones that I have seen my loved ones accomplish, I know that He took care of them. And that He took care of me through every situation that I have been through.    

Now, after all of that, almost 2 two years later I am being asked to make the same decision again. That I leave behind all of the things that I have come to know and love. The culture, the people, the food and again the language. In some ways it is very similar to what I was faced with two years ago but at the same time the exact opposite. That being said I have the same feelings as I did when I left the first time.
This time that the Lord has given me to be able to serve and teach his children here in Chile has been unforgettable. I have no doubt in my mind that some of the people and families here were waiting and that the Lord sent me to find them. During this time I have grown to know our Savor on a very personal level. Between seeing the changes that He has made in the lives of others and experiencing the changes that He has made in me. I know that He has a very active hand in every one of our lives, whether we know it or not. I know that He prepares His children for all of the trials that they face and is preparing the hearts of all to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. Even in some of the harshest places on earth, even the Atacama Desert, He is very active in the work of salvation. I know Him and I love Him. He has been with me for these last two years. Holding me strong when I was weak, and giving me the words to say when others were beat down. For that, and much more that he has done for me, I am forever grateful. 

The mission is always called the best two years of your life. And it is.....But it is also the best two years for your life. Thinking back on the things that I could have been doing these last two years, nothing even comes close to the importance of serving a mission. I have come to know myself as well. That sounds weird, but it is true. Heavenly Father has shown me what I can do and also where my limits are. He has given me a perspective on life so clear that I feel like I could just step into the next chapter of my life. He has shown me the things that really matter, how to build a family, how to be happy and the importance of prioritizing everything. Even though I have been far from them I have grown to love and appreciate my family immensely. I know that they love me and support me in everything that I do and that thanks to the grand plan that God has prepared, that we are all sealed together for the eternities.

This is my last letter that I will send home so I want to leave you all with my testimony. I love my Father in heaven and the Savior more than I can express. I know that they love each and everyone of us more than we can comprehend. I know that the atonement of Jesus Christ and the blessings of repentance are true and real, that through them we can be sanctified. I know that the church of Jesus Christ has been restored to its fullness, and that through obedience to the laws and commandments that He has given us we can be blessed with peace and happiness. I know that The Book of Mormon teaches and testifies of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that through it we can come to know Him and understand the plan that He has for us. That He wants us to return to live with Him again. I know that families can be sealed for the eternities and that I have been sealed to my family forever. I pray that all that read this can know the truth for themselves, that they can find the answers to their prayers, and receive a confirmation from the Holy Ghost. I leave you all with these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Until I return to the states,

Elder Brayton

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